Keylogger Mac OSX
Last update:
Wed, 10 August 2011, 9:05:58 pm
Submission date:
Wed, 10 August 2011, 9:00:03 pm
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Keylogger Mac OSX description
Keylogger Mac OSX tool record entire action of other users on Macintosh computer
Developer offers creative keylogger Mac OSX program that empowers system administrator to consistently record complete activities of children, company employees, spouse, business partners when you are not present there by providing efficient methods of storing system usage logs in log files protected with password authentication preventing unauthorized person to access and make changes in software created activities history log files. Affordable Macintosh OSX computer usage monitoring keylogger application allows user to trace secondary person activities including files opened, media files played, text documents altered, movies watched, data moved from removable USB media drives, files copied from computer HDD to pen drive storage and many more. Professional keylogger Mac OSX utility provides complete monitoring facility for Macintosh operating system installed computer machine and user internet activities like emails types, contact mail addresses, chatting history, websites browsing details, URLs entered, video chat recordings and many more even if browsing history and cookies have been erased from computer browser memory. Advanced Mac OS X keylogger software provides flexible activity tracing settings to record guest user performance from the time computer machine is ON until it is shut down with information holding date and time of processes performed. Powerful and efficient computer tracking keylogger Mac OSX program provides simple to operate graphical interface featured with inbuilt user guide for non-technical novice end-users. Features: * Activity monitoring software tracks complete guest users system and internet access details. * Keylogger Mac OSX provides user easy to handle graphical interface for ease of operability. * System tracking software generates performance logs in simple HTML and TXT format files. * Mac OSX keylogger program records all system usage details running in secretly hidden mode. Requirements: 256 MB RAM, 10 MB free disk space What's new in this release: Added support for recording USB media insertion activities Tags: • Keylogger • Mac • OSX • software • tool • track • record • files • access • activity • monitoring • computer • machine • usage • details • data • email • chat • website • URL • password • internet • utility • secretly • generates • system • access • report • HTML • TXT • format Comments (0)
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