Auction Defender
Last update:
Mon, 25 May 2020, 6:00:01 pm
Submission date:
Sun, 18 September 2011, 6:00:05 am
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Auction Defender description
Track, automate bids and snipe auctions with this eBay tool.
Auction Defender is an intuitive program that tracks eBay auctions and bids seconds before they close, to give you the best chance of winning at the lowest possible price. This new generation software is designed to use screen space as efficiently as possible, allowing for tracking hundreds of auctions at the same time, and completely eliminating the need for continued clicking and refreshing at the end of eBay auctions. The program supports mass-importing with a single click from Internet Explorer and Firefox, it has an optional integrated browser and a number of unique features that set it apart from similar tools. Requirements: 64 MB free RAM, 100 MB free HD space What's new in this release: Functionality improvements and bug fixes Tags: • eBay • auction • snipe • sniper • sniping • bid • track • win • software • tool • automate • monitor • track Comments (0)
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