Mail Scanning Software 4.0
Last update:
Fri, 11 October 2013, 12:00:01 pm
Submission date:
Fri, 23 December 2011, 5:00:09 pm
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Mail Scanning Software description
Mail scanning software is very much capable to scan emails effectively
Scan emails which got deleted due to some reasons such as: Virus attack, Trojan, hardware failure, system shut down etc. In this condition our Mail scanning software is going to help you. This tool offers you path-way of recovering of deleted data of Outlook within couple of seconds. This utility performs various operations like recovery and scanning of damaged PST database. Outlook PST Files can be retrieve back when you use this software, which is very appropriate for do that. And apart from that it hadn't any issue with various Operating System and Outlook versions even 64 bit application. Get free release of the Mail Scanning Software, which is Free of Cost and can be used to recover Outlook deleted files. And if you think after using its demo version you can go for full fledged version. It is available in just $49. It is the personal license. You can also go for business class license, which can be your in just $99. Requirements: Pentium II 400 MHz, 64 MB RAM, Minimum 10 MB Space What's new in this release: Updated Comments (0)
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