Webbla 1.5.2
Last update:
Tue, 3 January 2012, 11:00:08 pm
Submission date:
Tue, 3 January 2012, 11:00:08 pm
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Webbla description
Organize your Bookmarks visually.
If you like to handle your music and photos with iTunes and iPhoto, Webbla is the right application to handle your bookmarks. Webbla is an application for Mac OS X Leopard that helps you in organizing your bookmarks visually. It also offers you an easy way to keep track of website updates. Instead of remembering your bookmarks by title, Webbla gives you a new way to remember them visually. Personalizing your bookmarks with tags or keeping them in different categories will help you to come back to them easily. Browser compatibility Define your own shortcuts to add bookmarks from your web browser to Webbla. Customizable web browser scripts make it easy to open bookmarks in different ways with all applications supporting AppleScript. Over standard html bookmark files you can import and export your bookmarks to and from Camino, Firefox, OmniWeb, Opera, Safari and more. Mac OS X System integration Webbla support Spotlight, Cover Flow and Quick Look, so you can easily find and preview your bookmarks with the Finder. Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5.0 Leopard or higher Comments (0)
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