Lotus to Outlook Migration 9.4
Last update:
Mon, 11 March 2013, 12:00:05 pm
Submission date:
Sat, 14 January 2012, 3:00:05 pm
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Lotus to Outlook Migration description
Transfer NSF files to Outlook with Lotus to Outlook Migration software
Today devious Issue like Lotus Notes Damage corruption issue in Lotus Notes because of various reasons like virus attack, Trojan infection, hardware failure, dirty system shutdown etc will bring unexpected corruption to NSF files and make NSF files inaccessible. If you convert Lotus Notes Database to Outlook, you can easily access NSF emails in PST format and can use them. Swapping from Lotus Notes to Outlook Email Set Up You have decided to use Outlook email set useful, the process to migrate NSF archive to PST archive files would be extremely beneficial. You can instantly transfer your old archived emails and its data from Lotus Notes to Outlook PST. It would be possible for you to migrate NSF database to PST by transferring old archived from NSF to PST. For using Notes to Outlook software utility easily migrate all the NSF emails (such as inbox, outbox, draft, sent items, deleted items etc), contacts, personal journals, email properties (such as to, cc, bcc, attachments etc), calendar, tasks, to-do list to MS Outlook PST file. You can cleanly move Lotus Notes attachments to Outlook with this software. NSF to PST conversion requires at least one Lotus Notes version (v8. 5, 8.0, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.0, and 5.5) and Outlook (v2010, 2007, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, 97). It effectively runs with ALL Windows editions. Try its test version and convert first sixteen Lotus Notes NSF files to Outlook application. If you like our software feature then uses its full version just at $250 for personal and $500 for official use. Requirements: Pentium II 400 MHz, 64 MB RAM, Minimum 10 MB Space What's new in this release: Recently updated version of Export Notes (9.3) is released with added feature that helps in fetching the data from password authorized and encrypted NSF mails and handles 20 GB limitation of MS Outlook. Tags: • lotus to outlook migration • convert lotus to outlook • lotus to outlook conversion • lotus to outlook converter • lotus notes to outlook • convert lotus notes • convert lotus notes nsf • convert nsf to pst • lotus to pst • export lotus to outlook Comments (0)
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