Last update:
Mon, 2 April 2012, 1:20:07 pm
Submission date:
Sun, 1 April 2012, 11:07:21 pm
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Home automation software for electronic boards,X10,Webcam,Smartphone.
The STANTOR software is a SCADA (English acronym for "Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition") configurable for home automation use. It can automatically perform various tasks of managing a home. The main features offered by Stantor are accessible through Web pages. These web pages are supported by Internet browsers such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, but also through ipads or smartphones. The functions of information acquisition and control of electrical equipment are made by different models of electronic boards that can be obtained commercially. Stantor allows control of electrical equipments like heaters, shutters, lamps, pumps, etc...connected to the 220V/110 VAC. Gathering information of various kinds such as temperature, light, switches, position sensors is provided by Stantor permanently in real time. The image acquisition coupled with a webcam software motion detection facilitates the operation of remote monitoring of the smart home. Moreover Stantor uses sound boards for managing micro-computers to offer the functions of transmitting and retrieving voice messages via loudspeakers and microphones. Under the management of electrical energy, Stantor processes information transmitted by electronic electricity meters of EDF (Single/three phases). The external hardware managed by Stantor are: - Electronic boards "open hardware" Arduino via USB and via Ethernet. - Electronic boards Velleman K8061/VM140 K8055/VM110 on USB bus. - Electronic boards Velleman K8000 on I2C bus. - Interface X10 (Powerline) model CM11A. - Infrared remote controls. - Webcam USB bus. - Network of sensors and switches on 1-Wire bus. - Sound Cards. Through the use of management system MySQL database, Stantor offers automation features customizable tasks. In particular it allows cyclical, calendar and planned tasks, but it can alert when an outbreak event (mail,sms,..).It also has the ability to launch computer program for specific uses. Requirements: Linux, Apache, Mysql, Php, Php-Soap, Ajax, XML, SVG What's new in this release: Update energy programs: Load-shedding, Climatic regulator, Thermostat. Tags: • home automation • domotic • domotica • scada • linux • internet • arduino • webcam • velleman • apache • ethernet • soap • X10 • usb • ajax • svg • mysql • php • telemonitoring Comments (1)
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