How to Fix SQL Error 1064 6.0
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Fri, 27 December 2013, 12:00:02 pm
Submission date:
Fri, 22 June 2012, 6:00:14 pm
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How to Fix SQL Error 1064 description
How to Fix SQL Error 1064 while Repair Corrupt MDF Files with SQL Recovery Tool
Try SQL Recovery to recover MDF files and NDF files & get 100% result without any harm of original formatting. Today almost every organization preserves its important data in SQL Server & SQL Server saves those SQL user database in .mdf file format. But sometimes, SQL Server gets crashed, corrupt or damaged due to predictable or unpredictable causes. As the result, MDF file stop working properly in SQL Server & some it has shown SQL Syntax Error 1064. It may occur due to any of logical issues. If you an query that how to fix SQL error 11064 & now you want to fix this SQL syntax error 1064, then try SQL recovery software which is one such tool that allows for repair corrupt MDF files. You don't require any technical knowledge to run this utility because it is especially devised for the purpose to sort out SQL user problem. This SQL recovery software has updated with advance features that deal with all error conditions. You can download the demo version of this SQL recovery tool which helps to repair MDF database without any changing. Get back each & every items of your MDF file database such as: triggers, rules, tables, records, stored procedures etc & also recover records, permanently deleted records which get saved in separate SQL Script. Know some simple steps to solve your question that how to fix SQL error 1064 by using this outstanding SQL recovery tool. http://www.fixsql.org/howto-fixsql-error-1064.html Requirements: Pentium II 1 Ghz, 1GB RAM, Minimum 5 MB Space Tags: • how to fix sql error 1064 • sql recovery • recover mdf files • repair corrupt mdf files • repair mdf database Comments (0)
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