Proverbs Bingo Cards 6.01
Last update:
Fri, 19 July 2013, 11:00:01 am
Submission date:
Fri, 27 July 2012, 4:00:18 pm
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Proverbs Bingo Cards description
Proverbs Bingo Cards by www.BingoCardPrinter.com
A printable set of 8 Proverbs Bingo Cards, plus a call-sheet (for use by bingo caller), and a ready-to-use project (that can be used as a template and customized with your own items, colors, fonts, etc.) for use with Bingo Card Printer (click "Open" on the "File" menu, then use select the .bcp project file). Bingo Card Printer is the leading Windows bingo card maker software and can be downloaded from http://www.bingocardprinter.com - If you need more bingo cards, or customized bingo cards visit BingoCardPrinter.com to download a free trial version the software. Requirements: PDF Viewer or Bingo Card Printer (software) Comments (0)
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