Gin Rummy/Video-Poker 3.0.8
Last update:
Wed, 20 February 2013, 12:00:03 pm
Submission date:
Fri, 19 October 2012, 2:00:52 pm
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Gin Rummy/Video-Poker description
Play Gin Rummy against the computer and a free Video Poker game is included
Gin Rummy / Video-Poker from www.download-texas-holdem-poker.com is a program to play Gin Runny against the computer and Video Poker is also included. The Gin Rummy computer opponent will challenge you at a smart level to keep the game interesting, and Video Poker offers hints on how to maximize your chances with the popular Jacks or Better Video Poker variant Casino game. Requirements: 800 * 600 screen resolution 16 bit color mouse Comments (0)
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