Batch NSF to PST 9.3
Last update:
Wed, 6 February 2013, 9:53:58 pm
Submission date:
Mon, 28 January 2013, 4:00:38 pm
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Batch NSF to PST description
Open Source NSF to PST Conversion possible with one tool Export Notes
Will it possible to convert batch NSF to PST ? The user generally ask for batch conversion because most of the other tool will not fulfil this criteria but NSF to PST Converter is the only tool in the market the have the power of batch convert NSF to PST without any extra charge. The whole process of conversion is very simple and unique. The interface of the tool has been developed in such a way that a layman can also run the tool without any trouble. Open source NSF to PST Conversion is the step taken by NSF to PST software because we understand the user time and money, with the free demo version user can judge the whole tool without paying a single penny. With the new update in NSF to PST software extra features like calendar recurrence, html formatting, inline image conversion also added in the tool. The software is capable to convert notes only single or multiple emails but also other attribute like contacts, journals, task, folder, to-do list etc. Give a chance to serve you. With free trial version user can convert 16 files for Lotus Notes to Outlook. If like the process get full operational version at very reasonable price. For more info -http://nsftopst.taskmanagerfix.com/ Requirements: Pentium II 400 MHz, 64 MB RAM, Minimum 10 MB Space Tags: • nsf to pst • batch convert nsf to pst • batch nsf to pst • open source nsf to pst conversion • conversion of lotus notes to outlook • lotus notes to outlook 2010 Comments (0)
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