PDF Unlocker 4.0
Last update:
Wed, 21 May 2014, 11:00:02 am
Submission date:
Fri, 5 July 2013, 9:00:11 pm
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PDF Unlocker description
PDF Unlocker expertly unlock PDF document and enables PDF rights and permissions
Are you searching for a PDF Unlocker to unlock PDF restrictions from secured PDF document? Don’t go anywhere else, as we have come up with a smart, intelligent, PDF File Unlocker that instantly unlock PDF file by removing all the restrictions from it within few seconds. The PDF Unlocker expertly unlock PDF document without altering the original formatting and contents of the secured PDF file and allows users to perform activities like copy, edit, modify, extract, write comments, print the PDF file. Integrated with user friendly interface, the PDF file Unlocker helps even a layman to unlock PDF securities and restrictions in flawless manner. The PDF Unlocker creates a new PDF file after all the restrictions are removed and renames the new file with “unlocker” prefixed. Also maintains table of contents and bookmarks. PDF Unlocker is a stand-alone utility and doesn’t require Adobe Acrobat to be installed on user’s system. Successfully supports all the versions of Adobe Acrobat upto 9 and all Windows systems Vista, XP, 7, 98, 95, 2003, 2000. Demo version of the PDF Unlocker allows users to know “How to unlock PDF file”? but it watermarks the unlocked PDF document. To Unlock PDF file without watermarks, get the licensed version of the PDF Unlocker at $19. Requirements: Pentium II 400 MHz, 64 MB RAM, Minimum 10 MB Space Comments (0)
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