Word Search and Replace Tool
Last update:
Wed, 1 July 2020, 6:00:02 pm
Submission date:
Wed, 18 June 2014, 10:00:04 pm
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Word Search and Replace Tool description
Word Search and Replace Tool finds and replace words and phrases in word files.
Word Search and Replace Tool is a fast and reliable software tool adept at finding and replacing words and phrases in word documents. The tool can find and replace multiple words and phrases in multiple word files. The software is valuable for those who need to find and replace words and phrases or perform different formatting work in multiple word files at one go. The software allows the user to perform such tasks in multiple files contained in different folders by adding the folders directly. The user has been provided with different commands to perform the tasks as per the need of the user. The software helps the user to not only find and replace words and phrases but also perform different formatting tasks. Formatting work like changing case, changing for color or back color, bold italic or underline, strike through and double strike through and subscripts and superscripts can be performed amicably. The software supports various languages like English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, and Korean etc. It works with different versions of MS Word. Feature wise the software is highly advanced. Unique Batch find replace feature allows the user to Find and replace words and phrases in numerous files at one go. This feature can be used to format numerous word files in single batch process. This serves the purpose of the software. Purpose of the software is to save time and effort of the user by performing find and replace and formatting tasks in multiple files at one go. Batch find replace feature facilitates processing with backup facility to avoid loss or overwriting of original contents in the files. Utility of this software is immense in present scenario. Present day organizations are heavily dependent on computer systems for smooth conduct of work. Information is being shared mainly through soft copies and paper work is used sparingly if necessary. Documents are being largely developed with the help of MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint. Requirements: 512 MB of RAM Tags: • Find and replace • Find and replace in word • Search and replace file • Find and replace in file • Find in batch file • Find and replace multiple files Comments (0)
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