Urban Road Rush Hour Flow ScreenSaver 1.1
Last update:
Mon, 18 August 2014, 9:00:03 am
Submission date:
Mon, 18 August 2014, 9:00:03 am
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Urban Road Rush Hour Flow ScreenSaver description
You feel energized and full of life forces. Flashing lights of cars look smile.
Big cities never sleep. Constant rush, constant movement, constant competition for life! The picture of urban road time lapse at night is vivid and full of movement. You can feel the energy that comes from these entire numerous moving objects and penetrates into you. You feel energized and full of life forces. Flashing lights of cars look like one entire colorful stream flowing along the roads. Different goals, different desires, different lives and fortunes are mingled now in one huge stream heading somewhere you will never know. Requirements: Intell or AMD (x64-x86)/Video 64 Mb/15 Mb HDD space/Any Display,Monitor,HD,TV,Panel,Plasma,Projector What's new in this release: New Release (x64-x86) Comments (0)
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