Roll the Dice 1.0
Last update:
Mon, 1 September 2014, 7:00:04 am
Submission date:
Mon, 1 September 2014, 7:00:04 am
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Roll the Dice description
This fun application can render from 1 up to 12 dice on your screen.
This fun application can render from 1 up to 12 dice on your screen. Each dice can display numbers from 1 to 9. You can choose the number of dice rendered on the screen, the displayed numbers which a dice can show (1 through 9), the background color of the dice and the dice face. There is also a text box showing the sum of all numbers for each roll. The trial version renders two dice which can display numbers from 1 to 6 on a white background using the default dice face (black dots). You may download the feature limited trial, and evaluate the software for as long as you need: - .Net Framework 4.0 required - The software is licensed per computer - Free lifetime upgrades - Free technical support via email - The registration code will be sent by e-mail after your purchase is confirmed Requirements: .Net Framework 4.0 is required What's new in this release: This is the first release. Tags: • roll dice • dice • dice face • dice numbers • dice count • dice result • dice background color • dice skin Comments (0)
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