Batch Word Find and Replace
Last update:
Wed, 17 June 2020, 6:00:02 pm
Submission date:
Sat, 14 March 2015, 6:00:13 pm
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Batch Word Find and Replace description
Find and replace multiple words and phrases in multiple MS word files at one go.
Batch Word Find and Replace is a remarkable Find and Replace software tool for MS word files like .doc, .docx, .rft etc. Tool can Find and Replace multiple words and phrases in multiple word files with ease. Apart from Find and Replace tasks the tool is also very adept at formatting tasks and can carry out formatting tasks like- Changing cases, changing back and fore color, italics, underline, superscripts and subscripts etc. with aplomb. Tool is equipped with whole lot of advanced features to make search and replace and formatting tasks fast and easy. User can carry out these tasks in multiple files at one go by adding multiple files. To add multiple files user needs to use ‘add files’ or ‘add folder’ button. After clicking on ‘add files’ button user has to select files but on clicking ‘add folder’ button all files contained in the selected folder get added automatically saving precious time. User has the option to remove any or all files added by clicking on ‘Remove selected’ button. This unique Batch Find Replace Utility can find and replace words and phrases and carry out formatting tasks in large number of files in a single batch process. Tool allows the user to carryout Find and Replace in files of different formats like .doc, .docx, .rft etc. with similar ease. Tool also generates a Log File that contains details of data processing. Wide use of computers has necessitated use of software tools helping in use of MS word, Excel or PowerPoint. These tools are popularly known as addins. This Batch Find and Replace Tool is one such word addin. The tool processes word files in different languages like English, German, French, Urdu, Hindi etc. The tool is compatible with different windows platforms like Windows XP/Vista/2007/2008 etc. Requirements: 512 MB of RAM Tags: • Search and replace • batch find and replace • find and replace file • find and replace in files • batch file find replace • batch find replace Comments (0)
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