Mangal to Kruti Converter
Last update:
Fri, 19 June 2020, 6:00:03 pm
Submission date:
Fri, 25 September 2015, 6:00:03 pm
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Mangal to Kruti Converter description
Mangal to Kruti converter tool can switch Mangal font to Kruti Dev
Mangal to Kruti converter tool can switch Mangal font to Kruti Dev. This Hindi Unicode Converter supports languages of Devnagri script like Hindi, Marathi, Maithili, Nepali and other languages that are written in Devnagri script. User can drop .RTF/.TXT files as much as they want and can convert their fonts quickly. This Unicode to Hindi Converter has the latest and amazing features that can’t be found in any other converter. This Unicode to Kruti converter even has option to save the files in .RTF/.TXT formats after the fonts have been converted in them. The English words present in the files are left untouched automatically by the software so that user does not have to go on searching for them. This tool can be very advantageous for the DTP operators and printers. Reason behind that is that DTP software like PageMaker/Illustrator don’t support Mangal font. This tool has emerged as a complete solution for the difficulties like this. It is the best Hindi Unicode Converter. Requirements: 512 MB of RAM Tags: • Mangal to kruti dev • Unicode to kruti converter • Unicode converter software • Hindi Unicode converter • Nepali Unicode converter download • Unicode to text converter • Unicode to Hindi converter Comments (0)
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