Tufoxy Best Deals in Sat, 29 March 2025 Found: 6 deal(s) Pages: 1 Offer started in Mon, 22 October 2012 and has no specific ending date.
Vendor website: http://www.imtoo.net
Original price: 60 USD
After discount: 20 USD Copoun code: 0 ![]() Offer started in Mon, 22 October 2012 and has no specific ending date.
Vendor website: http://www.imtoo.net
Original price: 0 USD
After discount: -40 USD Copoun code: 0 Offer started in Mon, 22 October 2012 and has no specific ending date.
Vendor website: http://www.imtoo.net
Original price: 50 USD
After discount: 10 USD Copoun code: 0 ![]() Offer started in Mon, 22 October 2012 and has no specific ending date.
Vendor website: http://www.imtoo.net
Original price: 60 USD
After discount: 20 USD Copoun code: 0 ![]() Les caracteristiques extremement ingenieuses d'extraire, recadrer, ajuster l'effet et ajouter des sous-titres et filigrane de ce video convertisseur vous aideront a ameliorer les effets du film et creer plus de films personnalises. 1. Convertir tous les formats video populaires et les videos HD ; 2. Convertir les audios les plus courants dont MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, etc.; 3. Etraire les audios et images a partir de videos diverses; 4. Transformer les images en formats video AVI, FLV, WMV, etc. Offer started in Mon, 22 October 2012 and has no specific ending date.
Vendor website: http://www.imtoo.net
Original price: 60 USD
After discount: 20 USD Copoun code: 0 ![]() New features: 1. Powered with NVIDIA-CUD and ATI-Stream GPU acceleration technology to improve performance in conversion time. 2. Clip function is improved, more easily to clip video segments. 3. Enable to transfer output files to iPad and iPhone 4 directly after conversion. 4. Supports iPhone 4. 5. Supports importing pictures shot by digital camera. Key features: 1.Support decoding and encoding HD videos like HD AVI, HD MPEG2, HD MPEG2 TS, HD MPEG4, HD WMV, HD VOB, HD ASF, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AVCHD (*.m2ts, *.mts), MKV, HD WMV, MPEG2/MPEG-4 TS HD, etc. 2.Support general all video and audio formats 3.Output the converted files to iPod, iPhone and PSP directly. 4.Join multiple videos together and insert transitions between every two files; split a large file into several ones; specify output file size exactly. 5.Extract all requisite segments from a video. 6.Support multi-core CPU, muitithreading and batch process to gain the highest conversion speed possible. 7.Add multiple audio tracks and subtitle files to get a multi-language video. 8.Crop video screen size; adjust the brightness/saturation/contrast; add artistic effect; label a picture/text watermark or multiple watermarks on your video. 9.Set different formats on the same file and get them converted in a single click. 10.Provide lots of adjustable parameters sorted by video, audio, tag and expert. 11.Set the program work in the background; make the program automatically quit, shut down, hibernate, or standby after converting done; choose a product language you want. Offer started in Mon, 22 October 2012 and has no specific ending date.
Vendor website: http://www.imtoo.net
Original price: 60 USD
After discount: 20 USD Copoun code: 0 ![]() Extra ingeniose Merkmale des Video Konverters, wie z.B. Abschneiden, Ausschneiden, Effekt-Anpassung und Hinzufugung der Untertitel und des Wasserzeichens, helfen Ihnen, Movie-Effekte zu verbessern und personliche Video zu konvertieren. Erstellen, konvertieren, genie?en und schauen Sie einfach die HD und lebensechten Movies soviel Sie wollen mit ImTOO Video Converter. 1. Fast alle gangigen Videos konvertieren, HD Video-Umwandeln unterstutzen; 2. Zwischen Audios wie MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, usw. konvertieren; 3. Fur iPod, iPhone, PSP, Xbox, Handy und MP4 Player Ihre Videos umwandeln; 4. Video bearbeiten, abschneiden, zusammenfugen, u. Wasserzeichen hinzufugen. Found: 6 deal(s) Pages: 1 |