Download Hash Verifier 6.0
Last update:
Wed, 17 June 2020, 6:00:02 pm
Submission date:
Thu, 29 November 2012, 10:00:23 pm
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Download Hash Verifier description
Download File Hash Verification Tool
Download Hash Verifier is the FREE tool to verify the integrity of your downloaded file. It makes file hash verification easier and quicker with its smart features such as 'Auto Hash Detection', 'Drag & Drop File', 'Instant copy from Clipboard' etc Hash verification is a standard mechanism used to verify that downloaded file is original and not tempered. Often it happens that hackers modify the download files on the server and plant it with trojans/spywares. Upon downloading and installing such softwares your PC will get infected eventually. To prevent such things, websites generally publish MD5 or SHA256 hash of the original file so that you can verify the same after you have downloaded the file. DownloadHashVerifier is designed to make this verification task easier and faster for end users. Here are the major benefits and features * Easily & Quickly verify the hash for your downloaded file. * Right click context menu integration - now launch directly by right clicking on the downloaded file. * Supports popular MD5 & SHA256 hash verification * Automatically detects input hash data as MD5 or SHA256 * Automatically validates & copies the hash data from clipboard * 'Drag & Drop' feature to quickly choose your downloaded file. * Save the verification result to HTML or TEXT file * Completely Portable Tool which also comes with Installer. Download Hash Verifier works on wide range of platforms starting from Windows XP to latest operating system Windows 10 What's new in this release: Mega 2016 release with the support for new windows 10 version Tags: • hash verifier • download hash tool • md5 hash tool • sha256 hash • verify md5 hash • verify sha256 hash • file integrity tool Comments (0)
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