Web It! 2.61
Last update:
Wed, 9 March 2011, 1:03:18 am
Submission date:
Wed, 9 March 2011, 1:03:18 am
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Web It! description
Automated Batch HTML-based Thumbnail Gallery Generator
Web It! is an automated HTML-based Thumbnail Gallery Generator which allows you to create professional looking thumbnail galleries with ease. It gives you alot of flexibility in creating thumbnail galleries without the need to understanding HTML. Saving precious time performing this mundane task. It allows you to create HTML containers for your images so you could add banners and any HTML tags. Web It! can be used as a cataloging tool for documents and not just images. This makes accessing huge pages of files easier. Requirements: 486, 64mb RAM, 4mb Harddisk Space What's new in this release: Bug Fixes Comments (0)
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