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Hospital Barcode Maker
Last update:
Fri, 20 May 2011, 3:59:27 pm
Submission date:
Mon, 16 May 2011, 12:39:58 pm
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Hospital Barcode Maker
Download size:
4.88 MB
Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Hospital Barcode Maker description

Generate multi colored label tag images using hospital barcode maker software

Download effective hospital barcode maker software facilitates user to design colorful and high-resolution hospital industry barcode label tags with advanced barcode image designing options and tools including pencil, photo editor, line, font settings, color settings, image settings and general barcode image settings. Efficient hospital barcode maker tool generates mass amount of barcode images having unique identity by applying different barcode image list producing techniques including sequential, arbitrary and still value algorithms providing user option to automatically or manually set barcode values, barcode header, barcode footer, check sum properties, aligning properties and many more. Advanced hospital barcode maker software produces professional hospital business barcode images with desired appearance by providing feature to modify barcode batch process settings, barcode designing view properties, general barcode settings and barcode printing options forming label image as per requirement of medical business manufactured merchandize. Effective hospital barcode maker utility manufactures easily scan able industry barcode stickers having support for all two dimensional and linear barcode image designing font standards including coda bar, data matrix, data bar, maxi code, EAN 13 etc. Easy to operate hospital barcode maker software creates professional health care industry tags holding product details with an interface having graphical context help and menu support through ought designing and printing process for ease.
* Hospital barcode maker tool designs colorful, reliable and high resolution barcode labels, tags, images.
* Health care industry barcode tool forms bulk amount barcode stickers within simple mouse clicks.
* Medical barcode software designs, prints and stores generated barcode tags for future reference.
* Pharmacy industry barcode utility makes easily retrievable labels consisting absolute object details.

256Mb RAM, 18Mb free disk space

What's new in this release:
Added support for generating multiple barcode labels in one page

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