Quick MTF 2.03
Last update:
Mon, 28 January 2013, 12:00:01 pm
Submission date:
Mon, 19 September 2011, 5:00:38 am
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Quick MTF description
Software for quality testing of optical and other imaging devices.
Quick MTF is high-performance software designed for measuring the most important image quality factors. Whenever you are buying a new lens, a camera, or a scanner, Quick MTF can help you make an informed decision. All you need for assessing a device's quality parameters is a picture of a simple object taken taken with that device. Why Quick MTF? * You can save all the time that you would otherwise spend on reading multiple reviews and user opinions. * As different samples of the same device model usually have somewhat different parameters, sometimes you have to check a few devices to select exactly what you need. Quick MTF lets you do that much more quickly and easily. * Image quality strongly depends on such factors as the shooting mode, the distance from the image center, the additional equipment used, and so on. Quick MTF can help you find out how exactly those factors affect the image quality. * The method implemented in Quick MTF is based on the ISO 12233 standard, so that you can test (as many Quick MTF users already do) not only camera lenses but also other imaging equipment. Quick MTF measures: * Resolution, including spatial frequency response (SFR), also known as modulation transfer function (MTF); edge spread function (ESF); and line spread function (LSF). * Chromatic aberration (CA), including area CA in pixels, CA as a percentage of the image height, and CA as a percentage of the distance from the image center * Color noise. Quick MTF combines an intuitive user interface and a powerful, high-precision computing engine. It is an all-in-one solution, so you needn't install any external components or libraries. The evaluation version of Quick MTF lets you analyze up to 40 edge profiles. Even after the evaluation period is over, you can use Quick MTF to view and analyze your old measurements. Requirements: 6.0Mb disk space for install What's new in this release: Calculation of LSF dispersion (sigma and variance) Tags: • SFR • optics • image quality test • noise • chromatic aberration • spatial frequency response • modulation transfer function • contrast • noise measurements • ROI • region of interest • slanted-edge • LSF • line spread function • frequency domain • spatial domain Comments (0)
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